Each major, hybrid and sub genre has distinctive elements which defines them. It is important when creating a film that the right editing techniques and effects are used to produce the desired effect and atmosphere for the plot and themes of the film. For example, it isn't likely that a comedy will use a halloween inspired soundtrack when setting the tone of the film unless it's being used for obvious juxtaposition, especially in Spoofs.
Following my analysis about the narrative, characters, atmosphere, setting, sound and titles of the previous comedies, horrors and thrillers when making our film openings, I will describe how the genre can be recognised in the following openings:
Action: Spiderman 2 (2004)
The opening credits to this film instantly show the genre through the speed of the clip. The editing is fast with quick transitions and cuts to create a tense and exciting atmosphere whilst the fast paced, repetitive string instruments in the non-diegetic soundtrack emphasises this suspense and creates a menacing tone. The animation and images used also connote excitement and action as well fantasy and crime themes.
Comedy: Pineapple Express (2008)
This opening scene, unlike Spiderman 2, includes slower paced editing to create a relaxed atmosphere. There is no non-diegetic music throughout the scene to add emphasis to the diegetic conversation between the characters and the hilarity of it and their actions. Furthermore, the characters comic dialogue and actions further state the comedy genre. It's clear within the first 30 seconds the genre of this film and the theme of drugs which is often associated with comedies or action films.