Sunday, 27 March 2011

G321 Evaluation: Distribution of Our Film

The 3 main characters of
our film
What kind of media institution might distribute our product and why? 

Our film is a mainstream production aimed at a mass audience which could be produced by or associated with Hollywood and released globally on DVD or Blue Ray. A product similar to ours is Superbad (2007) distributed by Columbia Pictures. This is a well known, American institution in Hollywood which has also produced and distributed films such as Spider-Man (2002), Casino Royale (2006) and The Pursuit of Happyness (2006). These are mainstream films aimed at large audiences with famous actors such as Will Smith or are based on already popular subjects, such as comics or the character of 'James Bond'. With these qualities, Columbia Pictures is able to reach larger audiences and gain more profit. Also, with their status in the film industry, they can also use social networks, like Facebook, and teaser trailers in order to create interest in the media. Since Superbad has comparable characters, themes, actors and a similar plot of trying to win a girl, it can be suggested that our product has the potential to be released into Hollywood for a mass, global audience. Films like Superbad are also for entertainment purposes and a passive audience, like our film, so we can assume that there is room in Hollywood for our product and that interest would be created.

The character of Superbad are
comparable to the characters from
our film
When an institution decides to distribute a film, they create a strategy or plan of how, who with and for, when and where the film will be promoted. The company then creates various marketing campaigns and promotions as well as organising any partnerships for funding and marketing before checking for accountability. An institution, like Columbia, that would distribute our film would be Universal, Warner Bros or Paramount Pictures. These are also large, mainstream institutions which distribute films aimed at mass audiences to main multiplexes and, furthermore, can afford blanket releases. This would allow a wider, mainstream audience to be reached at one time and decrease the public's need of faster DVD release. Vertical and horizontal integration with other companies in the media sectors would also allow a wider variety of distribution ensuring that our target market of teens and young adults were reached in as many ways as possible. 

One of the posters from The Dark
Knight campaign
An example of how integration and cross-media convergence could be useful is the film The Dark Knight (2008), distributed by Warner Bros. Warner Bros produces, on average, 18 - 22 low-risk films per year and with a budget of $185 million, worldwide distribution rights and horizontal integration with DC Comics and Marvel, they had extensive access to a variety of media and the audience targeted for The Dark Knight. They used teaser trailers, Facebook advertisements, Myspace, a poster campaign, interviews with Entertainment Weekly and viral websites in order to create interest for the film and ensure the target market had been reached. Warner Bros also used IMAX equipment for some of their action scenes instead of the standard 35mm reels and this increased interest as to the special effects and overall quality of the film. The Dark Knight gathered $395 million within the first three weeks of release. If our film had the same access to these medias and distribution methods, we could gain a larger interest into our film and ensure that our target audience was reached.

However, our film could be funded and distributed by Working Title, a conglomerate to Universal. Even though we would be under the control of Working Title, any budgets and marketing would be sourced from Universal. Their status in the film industry would allow global distribution and expensive marketing campaigns, such as a collection of posters or cross-media convergence with Facebook advertisements in order for us to reach our target audience. It would also ensure quicker DVD release reducing the potential risk of piracy. 

However, our film has little potential for franchising and merchandising. DVD release would be the main source of income after cinema release, as well as bonus features and materials. However, our film could be distributed in stores such as Blockbuster and HMV or online on Amazon and iTunes. These are popular stores in the UK and globally ensuring that any consumers who wished to buy the film could. With a more adult target market (15 to 25 year olds), there is little in the way of merchandising except for t-shirts and posters with the characters and iconic catchphrases from the film. Because of our film is of the comedy genre, any merchandising created will include bright colours with fun font styles and images. 

Buying films on iTunes and the Internet has become
easier over the past few years