Since the film my group will be producing is a comedy, I will look at comedians who often star in films similar to ours. I have researched into films similar in themes and genre to ours and have selected a few actors that I believe would suit the characters in our film. When casting for our opening, I will bare in mind these actors and the overall look they give to their films and who we can cast to achieve similar results. Since the characters are similar, it will mainly be their appearance and the way they express themselves that differs and so we have to be aware of this when it comes to casting actors for our film.
Tom Burges, 18 - Michael Cera
The character of Tom struggles to climb the social ladder but is determined to do so. He's a bit of a 'momma's boy' and enjoys rules as they protect him from further abuse from his peers. In order for this character to be played successfully, he should be slightly strange in his stage presence, shy but able to express his emotions through his facial expressions and mannerisms.
An actor suitable for this character would be Michael Cera, who is renown for awkward, often quiet, characters. His quirkiness often adds charm to characters he plays and the films he is in. It also makes him appear more mysterious as a character and moments more shocking when the character makes quick or rash decisions. Michael Cera is known to have played in comedies such as 'Evan' in Superbad (2007) and 'Paulie Bleeker' in Juno (2007) with similar characters to 'Tom Burges'.
Bob Phillips, 17 - Jonah Hill
Bob Phillips, 17 - Jonah Hill
Bob's character is a prankster who thinks he has a shot with the 'ladies' though he's a bit of an odd-ball and thoroughly enjoys spending time on computers. To play this character, the actor would preferably be slightly overweight with a bright personality and not shy, like the character of 'Tom'. Furthermore, someone who can avoid laughing in awkward situations is a must!
Bob is a little overweight and wears glasses; surprise, surprise, I have chosen Jonah Hill. Known for his roles in Superbad (2007) as 'Seth' and 'Jonah' in Knocked Up (2007), Jonah Hill is a confident actor who plays stereotypical and immature characters well without overdoing it. When casting for our comedy opening, I will think about Jonah Hill's appearance, performances and the characters that he plays in order to cast the right actor for Bob.
Bob is a little overweight and wears glasses; surprise, surprise, I have chosen Jonah Hill. Known for his roles in Superbad (2007) as 'Seth' and 'Jonah' in Knocked Up (2007), Jonah Hill is a confident actor who plays stereotypical and immature characters well without overdoing it. When casting for our comedy opening, I will think about Jonah Hill's appearance, performances and the characters that he plays in order to cast the right actor for Bob.
Stuart Thurgood, 17 - Christopher Mintz-Passe
Stuart has a passion for medieval history and all things numerical, tactical or political. The actor who plays this character should look quirky, naturally geeky and be strong-minded as an actor to show this in Stuart's character. Since Stuart does not like mainstream, he should look and act uniquely.
Christopher Mintz-Passe is a relatively new actor but is already popular for his performances as 'Fogell' in Superbad (2007) and 'Augie' in Role Models (2008). As with both of these characters, Christopher is often cast as geeky roles with a character struggling to survive in the mainstream world but who thrives in his own ideas and small circle of friends. Christopher, like Michael Cera, plays awkward characters well and suits roles as seen in our film. For our final geek character, I will ensure that I look for someone who brings the same humour to our film as Christopher has done in the past.
Christopher Mintz-Passe is a relatively new actor but is already popular for his performances as 'Fogell' in Superbad (2007) and 'Augie' in Role Models (2008). As with both of these characters, Christopher is often cast as geeky roles with a character struggling to survive in the mainstream world but who thrives in his own ideas and small circle of friends. Christopher, like Michael Cera, plays awkward characters well and suits roles as seen in our film. For our final geek character, I will ensure that I look for someone who brings the same humour to our film as Christopher has done in the past.
Stacey Munez, 18 - Lindsay Lohan
Stacey is known as the 'popular girl' at school but has a hidden, geeky side which she keeps from those she knows. Keeping her perfect exterior, on the inside she's a nerd crying to get out. The actress playing Stacey should be attractive, confident and not afraid to make a fool of themselves.
An example of an actress suitable for this character is Lindsay Lohan, most recognisable for her role as 'Cady Heron' in Mean Girls (2004) which is a similar character to 'Stacey Munez'. She can pull off the stereotypical 'bitch' characters in a comic way as well as being down to earth without going over the top. When casting for the character of 'Stacey', I will think back to Linsay's performance in Mean Girls and bare in mind the type of performance we want from our actress.
An example of an actress suitable for this character is Lindsay Lohan, most recognisable for her role as 'Cady Heron' in Mean Girls (2004) which is a similar character to 'Stacey Munez'. She can pull off the stereotypical 'bitch' characters in a comic way as well as being down to earth without going over the top. When casting for the character of 'Stacey', I will think back to Linsay's performance in Mean Girls and bare in mind the type of performance we want from our actress.