Monday, 14 February 2011

G321 Research on Film Titles

As a group, we struggled to think of a catchy film title for our group. In order to help me produce some ideas, I looked at other names of comedy films and compared them to other genres.

Superbad (2007, comedy)
Superbad is a three syllable, short and catchy title which suggests comedy through the odd use of the oxymoron of 'super' and 'bad', together in one word. It does not reveal much about the film but is memorable as well as suiting the main characters of the film. 

Easy A (2010, comedy)
Like Superbad, this is also a three syllable, short title which is catchy but does not reveal much about the film or it's plot. The "A" creates connotations of school and gives the audience an idea of what the film may be about, as well as the audience that may prefer to see it. In this case, themes of school would suggest a teen comedy and a target audience of 15 to 25 year olds.

Pirates of the Caribbean; The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003, adventure)
This is a much longer and elaborate film title, with 10 words and 14 syllables. It suggests a long or extensive plot and also makes the film appear to be more exciting and action packed compared to Superbad or Easy A. Also, because there is an extension to the main clause of the film title, it is suggested that there is more than one film to this title which is not common amongst the comedy genre.

Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981, adventure/action)
Similarly to the Pirates of the Caribbean title, this film appears to have more than film one to the same title. It has 7 words with 11 syllables connoting action and a more exciting or complex storyline than Superbad or Easy A.

The Grudge (2004, horror)
This title has 2 words and 2 syllables making it a short, catchy statement. The use of the word "the" puts emphasis on the following word of "grudge" to create a sinister tone. It also connotes horror or a disturbance but reveals little about the plot of the film. Unlike the action and adventure film titles, this title does not suggest much about the film and is more like the titles of Superbad or Easy A. 

Se7en (1995, horror/thriller)
Like The Grudge, this film title is extremely short and snappy. It's 1 word with 2 syllables, with the number 7 replacing the 'v'. This connotes mystery or an elaborate plot of which the audience must pay attention to, unlike our comedy film which is for entertainment purposes with no deciphering needed. 

From this research, I have learned that when producing a title for our film that we need to be aware of other films have done in regards to the length, word usage and genre of their title. I now know that I should avoid titles with long names as these are more common with action or adventure films and connote a more complex plot than our comedy. I also know not to be too simple as this could give the wrong impression as to the tone of our film and to be careful of how many syllables we use. 

Now that I learned what length and tone of title we should produce, I began to think of ideas as to what our film could be called. To help me, I created this mind map using geek themes and aspects of our film:

Now, when it comes to helping my group produce a film title, I will be more prepared will be able to provide ideas of what the title should be and how it should be presented.